RLT Group

Coping with COVID-19: Mobile engineers

Coping with COVID-19: Mobile engineers

Who planned for a crisis like this to hit?  And who knew it could happen so fast?

The reality is that it is changing the mobile engineer facilities management industry as we know it.  But as always, there are opportunities to improve and excel for clients.  Here are four clear action points for mobile engineer teams to ensure you can continue to not only survive, but thrive.

Ensure you can access materials if social distancing is rigidly enforced

It goes without saying that if we are told to completely lock down and not be within two metres of other people, collecting materials will no longer be possible.  However, you will still need materials to perform your tasks.  That is where direct-to-site delivery is a perfect solution allowing your engineer to requisition, order and receive materials with no human interaction.

Have a contingency plan for if a large proportion of your workforce need to self-isolate

Let’s face it.  There will be an increasing number of people needing to self-isolate.  If that means a percentage of your workforce are unable to work, you may need to do more work per engineer you have available.  Through the simplyonsite distribution system, engineer productivity can be increased 20% or more.

Do you have options to source materials in the event of supply issues?

It’s quite possible that product there have never been supply issues on before may suddenly not be available.  Especially for critical compliance issues, do you have a solution to fix the problem or an alternative product that could be used?  At RLT Onsite, all major product lines have either reserved stock forward ordered, or an alternative product ready for supply or both.

How are your engineers coping?

At times like this, we can pull together.  A smile goes a long way and a positive attitude.  Not only this, but a mobile engineer can be a powerful image for your company’s brand.  Support the engineers, and they will do a better job of supporting your clients.  Spread a bit of positivity.

RLT Onsite are a unique distributor of lighting, electrical and compliance materials via the unique simplyonsite distribution system which maximises workforce productivity and minimises human interaction for your mobile engineers.

You can have a FREE consultation with one of our senior advisors on contingency planning for mobile engineers.  We also have a rapid mobilisation taskforce set up for companies that require urgent supplies via the simplyonsite system.  Contact us on email; sales@rltgroup.co.uk or call on 0151 480 4000.

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