RLT Group

Making it easy? APPsolutely!

Making it easy? APPsolutely!

The RLT Onsite bespoke app continues to make life easier for the FM industry…

In line with our commitment to continuous innovation, the RLT Onsite app, which has now been out for 18 months, is being developed for an increasing number of contracts throughout the UK.  The platform is designed such that RLT Onsite can capture the exact data you need at the point of site visit.

The unique benefits of this app helped one of our clients to:

  • Drastically reduce administration time by automatically collecting and dispatching the data real time
  • Streamlined parts ordering
  • Improved ordering accuracy with images of products for the engineers
  • Eliminated specification creep
  • Reported the current status of the store for the end user
  • Gave full transparency of the ordering process giving control back to the head office.

Such is the success, the RLT Onsite app has been developed for another major client managing one of the UK’s largerst retailers.

Like a brainstorm session on how we could streamline your lighting distribution?  Get in touch on 0151 480 4000.  Contact us today.

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