RLT Group

Be proactive…

Be proactive…

Are you being proactive?

Ever wondered how you can:

  • ensure more of your labour time is spent on the job?
  • group jobs into geographical areas better?
  • do more on each visit to your client?
  • limit the amount of call-outs?

You’ve probably heard of proactive maintenance but is it being utilised to the best possible advantage?

The general shift in the lighting maintenance industry is towards proactive lighting maintenance.  This results in fewer call-outs which costs less in travel time and fuel and also allows companies to group their visits in geographical areas ensuring more time spent on the job.

An easier and more cost-effective way of doing lighting maintenance.

The team at RLT Onsite has always been looking ahead to support change in the industry.  That is why proactive lighting maintenance companies are using the simplyonsite distribution system for sourcing lighting consumables.  It ensures that the proactive maintenance programme is utilised to the best possible advantage.

To minimise the amount of time spent travelling or collecting materials, the simplyonsite distribution system delivers direct to site with your logo on the parcel.

To ensure you never have a failed visit, the order and delivery notifications tell you when the goods are on site so you can rest assured you can complete the job.

With a single distribution hub, RLT Onsite holds high stocks of lighting consumables allowing you to order by 5:00PM for 24hr delivery.

And the results?

  • More labour time spent on jobs
  • Less time spent travelling or collecting
  • More completed on each visit
  • Large reduction in reactive call-outs

In line with our innovative approach, we’ll continue to look ahead to bring new products and services to the lighting maintenance industry.

We’ll continue to support our clients and make their lives easier!

Contact us today if you’re not already enjoying this unique approach to lighting supply.

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