RLT Group

COVID-19: Our response updates

COVID-19: Our response updates

COVID-19 related posts

Coping with COVID-19: Mobile engineer workforces

FASTmed Rapid Medical & Ward Lighting

STAYSAFE kits: Safety kits direct-to-engineers homes


In line with our commitment to making life easier for our clients, we are working with clients to distribute PPE and sanitiser. We are well aware of fluctuations of price in the industry and are working closely with manufacturers and other trade groups to ensure we are working together for the best advantage of our clients.


80% of our staff are now working from home but it is still business as usual for us.  Our business continuity plans are in place and working well and whilst we understand some customers will have either severely reduced, or stopped trading, we are well placed to continue supplying products via the simplyonsite distribution system.

***STOP PRESS*** Wholesaler Branch Closures in the industry

For all customers affected by recent closures of wholesaler branches, please get in touch with our rapid mobilisation team who can pull into stock and supply other product lines to new engineer teams to ensure you fulfil your obligations to your customers.  This is done direct-to-site using a fully automated notification system ensuring minimum human contact for your engineers.  Benefits include:

  • Eliminates missing parcels on site
  • Maximises engineer efficiency
  • Promotes your brand
  • Minimises errors in communication

Contact us on sales@rltgroup.co.uk or call the team on 0151 480 4000 for more information.


Within the office we are all positioned 2m apart and we now have rigid social distancing measures in place for the wellbeing of our staff.

We have been working closely courier networks and supply chain to ensure we are still well-stocked to service you with lighting, electrical and compliance consumables.


All at-risk staff members are now working from home as well as some other members of staff.  28% of staff are now working from home.


With control measures now in place, we have 7% of our staff working from home but it is business as usual.  Delivery drivers have been provided with a temporary toilet outside of the premises and we are limiting human contact within the office.

We have forward ordered stock of all key lines and have stock available in UK warehouses.


We take the wellbeing of our staff extremely seriously.  We have taken the following actions to protect them and visitors to our premises:

  • Face to face meetings are no longer being held and all booked meetings will be done via the web.
  • All staff have been issued with personal hand-sanitisers and we are updating staff daily with government guidance.
  • A deep clean regime weekly as well as daily sanitisation of touch points has been implemented in our premises.
  • We are putting in place necessary measures to enable continuity for working from home.


We are absolutely committed to sustainability of supply for you as a long-term partner and your success in servicing your clients is exceedingly important to us.  We have been monitoring  the developments closely, and whilst we are currently experiencing no stock issues, we are taking the necessary action now as a reliable, conscientious and integrity-driven supply partner:

  • Since the beginning of the year we have done analysis on key product lines down to component level to accurately assess the impact of global shortages.
  • Last month, we set up an urgent action working group to:
    • Ensure we have alternative supply chains based in different countries for each product range with the minimum, if any, disruption if we needed to move supplier.
    • Understand any likely impact on pricing or availability from major brands on key product lines, and ensuring we have alternative brands ready to supply if needed.
  • Bringing in ongoing external advice from experts as to the best way of minimising the impact of this global issue and acting on their advice which is suggesting increased future disruption.
  • Engaging with key suppliers to understand their current stock projections.

Thank you for your continued support and we remain committed to being your sustainable supply partner and making your life easier. We take sustainability very seriously and the actions we are taking now are key to ensuring we mitigate any future risks as much as possible. We will continue to keep you updated.

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